Carlsbad Aquafarm traces its roots back to incorporation of Carlsbad and the building of the Cabrillo Power Station in the early 1950’s. Back then an aquaculture research facility was established along the southwest shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon to determine how best to improve and sustain the ecological health of the lagoon. Researchers concluded that shellfish would be the keystone species needed upon which a healthy lagoon could support a diversity of marine life, shorebirds and wildlife.

Thomas Grimm, CEO of Carlsbad Aquafarm, Southern California’s only sustainable mussel, oyster and culinary seaweed farm, producing premium seafood.

To set the standard for production of shellfish of unsurpassed quality through best sustainable farming practices.

To operate a shellfish farm that improves the ecological health of the coastal waters in which we operate. We use the quality of our seafood and the health of the environment in which we work to serve as benchmarks to measure our success.

Be a valued part of the life, culture, character and brand of Carlsbad, a welcoming beach community with an abiding connection with the rhythm, life and health of the coastal environment.

Preserving the coastal environment where we sustainably grow our shellfish in harmony with the natural marine environment.

Working with NRG, the city of Carlsbad, and partner research universities to support Carlsbad’s flourishing working waterfront.

The shellfish we farm in the lagoon filter millions of gallons of water every day allowing Eelgrass meadows to flourish, which in turn provides habitats and nurseries for a diversity of fish and other marine life.

Collaborating with USC's bivalve physiologists to breed oysters more resilient to ocean acidification. Working with MiraCosta College to build a strong Aquaculture Internship Program.

Building Carlsbad’s brand as a beach town with a historic working waterfront, acclaimed for its locally grown shellfish of unsurpassed quality.